Prepare Financial Report

Prepare Financial Report

Balance Sheet

A balance sheet shows your business assets (what you own) and liabilities (what you owe) on a particular date. Use our template to set up a balance sheet and understand your business's financial health.

Income Statement

A profit and loss statement tells you how much your business is making or losing. Use our template to set up your profit and loss statement, so you can better manage your business sales.

Cash Flow Statement

A cash flow statement can be one of the most important tools in managing your finances. Use our cash flow statement template to help plan your business payments.



Accounting basics

Whenever you make a business decision, you should always have figures to back it up. On this page you'll find accounting basics to keep your business on track and encourage investors.

Record keeping

Running a business can be unpredictable, but a good record-keeping system can make things easier. On this page you’ll learn about record keeping – what you need to keep, how to keep records and how long to keep them for.

Key financial terms

Find a list of financial terms that you might come across when dealing with accountants, financial services, or while running your business.

Create a budget

A budget is an important financial statement. It tells you how to direct your money to where it's needed most. There are a number of things you'll need to know to put your budget in place. Follow our steps to creating and using a budget for your business. You'll also find handy templates to use.

Analyse business finances

Do you know the difference between gross profit and net profit? Confused about margin and mark up? Understand how to use financial ratios and calculations like these, to help manage your business. On this page you'll find how use sales calculations and ratios for profitability, liquidity, financing and turnover.

Prepare Financial Report

How to set up Balance sheet, Income Statement, Cash flow Statement, and Shareholder Equity Statement.